A Lovely Valentine’s Day Spent With Cuco, The Marias, and August Eve

(Photos taken by Kiara Morales & edited by Louis Cano)

(Written by Ashley Flamenco)

Cuco’s performance at the El Rey Theatre couldn’t have taken place on a more perfect day: Valentine’s Day. Regardless of whether people were with a date or a friend, love, joy, excitement, and energy were exuded by everyone in the room and you could feel it.

Not one moment of the entire show was boring because leading up to Cuco’s set were breathtaking performances by August Eve and The Marias. Prior to August’s performance, I had only heard of her and hadn’t yet listened to her, but during her set, she immediately blew me away with her soulful voice. I had recently become a fan of The Marias so I was incredibly excited to see them and I found that their psychedelic-pop music sounded even dreamier live. When people weren’t dancing or grooving to music, they were waiting in line to take photos in front of Cuco’s pink heart-filled backdrop or greeting artists in the crowd.

August Eve:

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The Marias:


Later that night, the moment that everyone had been waiting for finally began: Cuco’s band appeared on stage and started off the set with “When We Meet” right before Cuco ran out onto the red glittery stage to join them for “Lonelylife.” A few songs later, Cuco pulled out his trumpet for the ending of “Lo Que Siento” and I had never seen a group of teenagers more excited. My favorite live song of the night was “Amor De Siempre,” it was his longest performance; midway through the song the band tricked us into believing it was over and waited until the entire crowd was calm and completely silent before abruptly resuming the chorus and getting everyone to jump again. Before saying goodbye, Cuco did his famous cover of “Devuelveme A Mi Chica” and everyone in the middle of the floor moshed to it. By the end of the night, everyone had screamed, cheered, and sang at the top of their lungs so much that our voices were practically gone but it was totally worth it.

Cuco and his band:








This was a truly euphoric experience and definitely a Valentine’s Day well spent. Thank you to August Eve, The Marias, and Cuco!

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